Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

The Ron Clark Story (The Triumph) Movie Review

Movie review ini merupakan salah satu tugas bahasa Inggris yang saya buat. Film ini bercerita seputar dunia pendidikan. Saya posting di blog ini karena sekedar ingin berbagi saja. Mohon maaf ya jika banyak terdapat kesalahan karena saya juga masih belajar... ^_^

Movie Review by :
Fitriani Nursyaripah

The Ron Clark Story (The Triumph)
Directed by
Randa Haines

 The Ron Clark Story (also known as The Triumph in Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Sweden and the Philippines) is directed by Randa Haines. This movie based on events in the life of Ron Clark that starring Matthew Perry . The genre of this movie is drama. This movie is setting in Aurora, North Carolina in Snowden Elementary School, then in Harlem, New York, Inner Harlem Elementary School at 1994 and four years later, 1998. An overview of the plot of this movie is chronological plot.
Ron Clark (Matthew Perry) is a teacher in Snowden Elementary School in North Carolina who moves to New York. In New York he looks for Public School and during his searching, he works in a restaurant then meet with Marissa (Melissa De Sousa). After refused in some school, he found Inner Harlem Elementary School and he accepts to teach in there. He choose to teach in the class with the students who have problem with learning, discipline, and social skill such as Tayshawn Mitchell (Brandon Mychal Smith), Shameika Wallace (Hannah Hodson), Julio Varquez (Micah Stephen Williams), and Badriyah (Bren Eastcott). Before he start teaches, he goes to meet the student’s parent.
In the class he tries to make the rule for his students. He almost gives up because his students hard to arrange but Marissa give him spirits. So, he back to teach again. Then, the students begin to like him.
One day he gets pneumonia but he decides to teach by video record. After back to the class, the student’s progressive go down. Clark thinks he was failed but he remains optimistic about their chance. After examination, Mr. Clark takes his student to see The Phantom of the Opera. Then, his class become the best class and his students got a higher score than any other class in final examination and Mr. Clark was regarded by his student as their best teacher.
Costume design in this movie fit the style of the movie. The background look realistic and this movie were filmed in a real place that is in a school. The background of this movie was choosing a school because the story of this movie tells about a teacher who teaches the student who has a problem. Background music fit the scene.
I like this movie because Ron Clark inspires us to be a creative teacher and give attention to our students. Ron Clark gives us hint and practical strategies to keep children excited about learning and motivated to be their best, such as make a rap for remember the President of USA.
But, I dislike this movie because there is a kissing scene between Clark and Marissa. I think that scene is didn’t fit to movie with education theme and family viewing. The viewer of this movie is start from children until up, so that scene is doesn’t right to watch by children.
Aside from kissing scene, this movie was exciting and interesting to watch especially for us who become a teacher.

Sekian dulu postingan kali ini ya... Semoga bermanfaat.. :)

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Tips Penting untuk Wanita agar Tidak Diserang Kanker Payudara

Pencegahan kanker payudara sebenarnya cukup sederhana dan efektif. Namun faktanya, kanker payudara setiap tahun masih menjadi pembunuh nomor satu penyakit di kalangan wanita. Bila tak ingin terserang, ada beberapa tips penting yang bisa Anda lakukan.
Berikut beberapa tips perawatan kesehatan dasar tetapi penting untuk mencegah kanker payudara, seperti dilansir boldsky, Kamis (9/8/2012):

1. Kenali keturunan Anda

Telah terbukti dengan penelitian ilmiah bahwa kanker payudara memiliki faktor risiko dari riwayat keturunan. Gen 'kanker payudara' dapat diturunkan dari ibu ke anak dan nenek ke cucu. Gen ini lebih dominan di garis darah perempuan, yang berarti dari sisi ibu. Wanita yang memiliki gen ini harus lebih waspada dan pandai-pandai melakukan pencegahan ekstra.

2. Jangan memicu gen kanker

Jika Anda memiliki riwayat keluarga kanker payudara, maka Anda harus benar-benar tidak boleh melakukan apapun yang dapat memicu gen resesif. Merokok sama saja bunuh diri, karena itu merupakan faktor yang dapat memicu gen kanker. Anda juga harus menghindari semua karsinogen baik itu makanan, plastik botol atau debu metal.

3. Deteksi dini

Ada tiga tahapan kanker payudara, yaitu tumor, nodal dan metastasis. Jika Anda dapat mendeteksi kanker payudara di stadium tumor, ketika itu hanya benjolan, maka kemungkinan untuk bertahan hidup adalah 90 persen.
Pada tahap nodal sudah terbentuk kelenjar getah bening dan metastasis adalah ketika kanker sudah menyebar. Masalahnya gejala kanker payudara sering tidak terlihat sampai masuk tahap nodal, di mana kemungkinan bertahan hidup turun hingga 50 persen dan setelah menyebar kemungkinan sangat suram.

4. Memeriksa payudara sendiri

Ini adalah satu-satunya cara yang terbukti dapat mendeteksi kanker payudara secara dini.

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